📘 Functions ​
These are all functions you can use
🟢 Basic functions ​
Name | Description |
ABS(value) | Absolute (non-negative) value |
CEILING(value) | Rounds the given value an integer using the rounding mode CEILING (towards positive infinity) |
FACT(base) | Calculates the factorial of a base value |
FLOOR(value) | Rounds the given value an integer using the rounding mode FLOOR (towards negative infinity) |
IF(condition, resultIfTrue, resultIfFalse) | Conditional evaluation function. If condition is true, the resultIfTrue is returned, else the resultIfFalse value |
LOG(value) | The natural logarithm (base e) of a value |
LOG10(value) | The base 10 logarithm of a value |
MAX(value, ...) | Returns the maximum value of all parameters |
MIN(value, ...) | Returns the maximum value of all parameters |
NOT(value) | Boolean negation, equals as ! operator |
RANDOM() | Produces a random value between 0 and 1 |
ROUND(value, scale) | Rounds the given value to the specified scale |
SQRT(value) | Square root function |
SUM(value, ...) | Returns the sum of all parameters |
🟡 String functions ​
Name | Description |
STR_CONTAINS(string, substring) | Returns true, if the string contains the substring (case-insensitive) |
STR_LOWER(value) | Converts the given value to lower case |
STR_UPPER(value) | Converts the given value to upper case |
🔴 Trigonometric functions ​
Name | Description |
ACOS(value) | Returns the arc-cosine (in degrees) |
ACOSH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic arc-cosine |
ACOSR(value) | Returns the arc-cosine (in radians) |
ACOT(value) | Returns the arc-co-tangent (in degrees) |
ACOTH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic arc-co-tangent (in degrees) |
ACOTR(value) | Returns the arc-co-tangent (in radians) |
ASIN(value) | Returns the arc-sine (in degrees) |
ASINH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic arc-sine |
ASINR(value) | Returns the arc-sine (in radians) |
ATAN2(y, x) | Returns the angle of atan2 (in degrees) |
ATAN2R(y, x) | Returns the angle of atan2 (in radians) |
ATAN(value) | Returns the arc-tangent (in degrees) |
ATANH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic arc-tangent |
ATANR(value) | Returns the arc-tangent (in radians) |
COS(value) | Returns the cosine of an angle (in degrees) |
COSH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value |
COSR(value) | Returns the cosine of an angle (in radians) |
COT(value) | Returns the co-tangent of an angle (in degrees) |
COTH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic co-tangent of a value |
COTR(value) | Returns the co-tangent of an angle (in radians) |
CSC(value) | Returns the co-secant of an angle (in degrees) |
CSCH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic co-secant of a value |
CSCR(value) | Returns the co-secant of an angle (in radians) |
DEG(rad) | Converts an angle measured in radians to an approximately equivalent angle measured in degrees |
RAD(degrees) | Converts an angle measured in degrees to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians |
SEC(value) | Returns the secant of an angle (in degrees) |
SECH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle |
SECR(value) | Returns the secant of an angle (in radians) |
SIN(value) | Returns the sine of an angle (in degrees) |
SINH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a value |
SINR(value) | Returns the sine of an angle (in radians) |
TAN(value) | Returns the tangent of an angle (in degrees) |
TANH(value) | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value |
TANR(value) | Returns the tangent of an angle (in radians) |